Solution to bald head or Hair loss


 “IN EVERY age and culture,” notes one reference work, “hair expresses some part of the person beneath it.” Small wonder, then, that most people are keenly interested in keeping their hair healthy and attractive.

 Hair contains keratin, a fibrous protein. Each hair grows out of an indentation in the scalp called a follicle. At the bottom of each follicle is the papilla, which contains a rich blood supply. The papilla produces hair cells that progress up the follicle and harden into hair.

Some people imagine that hair is fed by the body in the same way the limbs of a tree are nourished by the trunk. But once hair grows out of the scalp, it is a dead substance. Trimming the hair, therefore, does not affect its growth.
The inner layer of the hair contains a pigment that gives hair its color. As the pigment cells die, the hair turns gray; it’s part of the aging process. Premature graying might be caused by genetics or illness. It is a myth, however, that hair will turn gray overnight. Pigment is deposited below the scalp. So time is required for the gray hair to grow (about one half inch [1.25 cm] a month) and appear on the surface of the head.
Most Common Cause: Male Pattern Baldness
Up to 95% of guys with thinning hair can blame it on this condition. It’s caused by genes you get from your parents.
Scientists think the gene may affect how sensitive your hair follicles are to a hormone called DHT, which makes them shrink. As they get smaller, the hair that grows back tends to be finer, thinner, and shorter. Eventually, it takes longer for hair to grow back. Then, the follicles will shrink so that no hair grows at all.
Male pattern baldness shows up in a telltale shape: a receding hairline with thinning strands around the crown of your head. Over time, that area will go bald, but you’ll still have a horseshoe pattern of hair above your ears circling to the lower back of the head.
Men with this trait can start to lose their locks as early as their early teens. In general, the sooner it starts, the greater the loss will be.  
Other types of hair loss tend to happen faster than male pattern baldness.
Spot baldness, or alopecia areata, makes your hair fall out in smooth, round patches, but it usually grows back. The condition is a type of autoimmune disease, which means your body attacks itself. In this case, it destroys your hair.
Scarring alopecia is a rare disease that destroys your hair follicles and makes scar tissue form in their place. Hair will not grow back.

Other Reasons for Hair Loss

When your locks fall out suddenly, instead of gradually thinning over time, it’s usually from something other than male pattern baldness. Other causes include:
  • Diseases like anemia or a thyroid problem
  • Radiation or chemotherapy treatments
  • Medications, such as blood thinners, high doses of vitamin A, and steroids that some men take to help build muscle, called anabolic steroids
  • Scalp infections
  • Problems with your diet, like getting too little iron or too much vitamin A
  • Stress
  • Keeping hairstyles like tight ponytails, cornrows, or braids for many years
For most of these issues, your hair will grow back once you take care of what’s causing it.
Are There Any Risks to Hair Loss?
Male pattern baldness generally isn’t a sign of a serious medical problem, but it has been linked with some other conditions including coronary heart disease, an enlarged prostate or prostate cancer, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure.
If you notice your hair starting to fall out, keep track of the pattern and how much you’re losing. 
 Solution To Bald Head or Hair Loss 
 hether due to genetics or internal problems or pollution, both men and women around the world are losing hair at an alarming rate. Most people even in their youth complain of massive hair loss which may occur due to internal issues like hormonal imbalance or stress or simply due to pollution.
Hundreds of hair growth products are being marketed every day to provide easy solutions to people. Some of them work, and some of them just don’t. Not all are false claims. You can find a lot of shampoos, creams, hair oils, serums and vitamin supplements that actually reduce your hair fall and promote hair growth by addressing the root cause.

With jonlian farm products, which has completed her research in a couple of weeks from now will launch a product that will bring an end to your hair loss and bald head. 
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